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Muere David Wilkerson en Accidente de Transito

Wilkerson was killed April 27 when the car he was driving collided head-on with a truck in east Texas.

A father to some, and a spiritual father to many more, David Wilkerson was buried on Monday afternoon in Tyler, Texas.
Funeral services were held for Wilkerson, who was killed in a head-on collision on April 27, at Rose Heights Church of God. About 800 people arrived from around the country to pay their last respects to Wilkerson. Nicky Cruz, David Shipley, Ron Luce, Robert Morris, and Jim Cymbala were among the many recognizable faces in the congregation.
“David was eulogized by family and friends as a great man,” says Steve Strang, founder and publisher of Charisma magazine. “Both his sons, Gary and Greg, as well as several others, honored him.” Strang attended the funeral and plans to publish a special report on Tuesday.

Gary revealed something prophetic his father told him just last week: Wilkerson thought Gwen, his wife, would outlive him.

Gwen was first diagnosed with cancer at age 32, according to the Assemblies of God (AG). Both of Wilkerson’s daughters, Debbie and Bonnie, are also cancer survivors. The AG reports Gwen and her daughters went through 16 surgeries and nine cancers. Wilkerson was right. Gwen outlived him. Gary told the congregation that his mother is expected to recover from the car accident that took his father’s life.
Carter Conlon, senior pastor of Times Square Church, the church Wilkerson founded in October 1987, said Wilkerson’s was a life well lived. “It’s hard to honor a great man,” Conlon said, sharing that Wilkerson didn’t see himself as a great man and was always shocked that God would use him.
Dallas Holm joined Wilkerson in his youth crusades in 1970. He traveled and ministered with Wilkerson for 10 years. He sang several songs at the service, including In Your Presence, I’ll Rise Again and Majesty.

Wilkerson’s younger brother, Don, who ran Teen Challenge for many years, told the church that he called Wilkerson “Brother Dave” like everyone else. He shared how people asked him over the years how he lived in his younger brother’s shadow. His reply: “David cast no shadow.” In other words, Wilkerson was humble and easy to work with.

Barry Meguiar, chairman of the board of World Challenge, the ministry Wilkerson founded in 1971, knew Wilkerson for 41 years. He called him the “most godly man he ever knew” and said he “walked closer to God than anyone I knew.”
Cruz was at Rose Heights Church of God for one reason: to say goodbye to his spiritual father. He told people that without Wilkerson he would “be in the pit of hell right now.” Cruz was one of the many gang members Wilkerson led to Christ during his ministry.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

El pastor y evangelista, David Wilkerson, autor del famoso libro "La Cruz y el Puñal" murió este miércoles en un accidente de tránsito en Texas. Tenía 79 años.
El Reverendo Wilkerson, fue pastor fundador de la Iglesia Times Square en Nueva York, y de la organización Teen Challenge.
"Con profunda tristeza debemos informarles el repentino fallecimiento del Reverendo David Wilkerson, nuestro pastor fundador," dijo el pastor de la Iglesia Times Square, Carter Conlon, en u comunicado en el sitio web de la congregación.
Conlon agregó que detalles sobre el servicio memorial de Wilkerson serían provistos más adelante.
"Por favor recuérden a la familia Wilkerson en sus oraciones en momentos cuando nuestro fundador el Rev. David Wilkerson, pasa a morar con el Señor esta noche", dijo Teen Challenge a sus seguidores en Twitter.
Al evangelista le sobreviven su esposa, cuatro hijos y 11 nietos.
Cuéntenos ¿de qué manera el ministerio y la vida del pastor David Wilkerson impactaron su vida?
Detalles del Accidente
Wilkerson conducía en dirección este en la carretera U.S. 175 de Texas, y se movió al carril contrario mientras un camión se dirigía al oeste. El conductor del camión vio el vehículo y trató de esquivarlo, pero aún así colisionó de frente, según el policía Eric Long.
Aún se desconoce que hizo que Wilkerson se pasara al carril contrario. Su esposa Gwen, quien viajaba a la par fue trasladada de emergencia al hospital, junto con el conductor del camión.
Wilkerson fue declarado muerto en el lugar.
Últimas palabras.
Wilkerson publicó un blog hoy mismo. En la publicación, titulada, "Cuando Fallan Todos los Medios", motivó a aquellos que enfrentan dificultades a mantenerse firmes en la fe.
"Aquellos que atraviesan el valle de sombra de muerte, escuchen esta palabra: El llanto durará por algunas noches oscuras y horribles, y en esa oscuridad usted de pronto escuchará al Padre decir, 'Estoy contigo'", escribió Wilkerson. "Amados, Dios nunca ha fallado en actuar en bondad y amor. Cuando fallan todos los medios - su amor prevalece. Aférrense a su fe. Aférrense a su Palabra. No hay alguna otra esperanza en este mundo", agregó..
Lea el último blog del Rev. Wilkerson aquí (en inglés)
Vida y Ministerio.
Wilkerson fue el segundo hijo de una familia de cristianos pentecostales, y fue criado en Barnesboro, Pensilvania, en una casa "llena de Biblias", comenzando a predicar a los 14 años.
Después de la secundaria, Wilkerson ingresó al Instituto Bíblico Central de las Asambleas de Dios donde estudió durante dos años.
En 1953 contrajo matrimonio con Gwen Wilkerson y empezó a predicar como Pastor junto con su esposa, en pequeñas iglesias de Scottdale y Philipsburg, Pensilvania.
Más tarde, en 1957 leyó en la revista Times una historia acerca de un niño afectado de poliomielitis que fue asesinado por miembros de pandillas en Nueva York. En febrero de 1958 decidió trasladarse a Nueva York para ayudar y predicar el Evangelio a miembros de bandas delictivas y adictos a las drogas.
El 22 de Septiembre de 1971 fundó la Organización World Challenge.
En 1987 fundó la Iglesia de Times Square en Nueva York, en una época en la Times Square era mal vista y reconocida por ser un zona frecuentada por prostitutas, fugitivos, adictos a las drogas, indigentes y estafadores, junto con shows en vivo y salas de cine para adultos. El pastor David Wilkerson, la fundó según el mismo, para ayudar espiritualmente a todas esas personas que estaban necesitadas de Dios.


The man many considered to be a spiritual giant of the faith, Rev. David Wilkerson, was laid to rest at private funeral at Rose Heights Church of God in Tyler, Texas, Monday.

During the service, family and friends said a final goodbye to the beloved minister. Wilkerson founded Times Square Church and Teen Challenge International, among several other ministries.

Wilkerson was killed April 27 when the car he was driving collided head-on with a truck in east Texas. His wife, who was injured in the crash, remains hospitalized and under observation but is expected to recover.

Times Square Church will hold a public memorial service for Wilkerson in New York City on May 14 at 2 p.m. will be streaming the event live, beginning May 14 at 2 p.m.

"It's hard to honor a great man," said current Times Square Church pastor Carter Conlon, who attended the service.
On Sunday, Times Square church members gathered privately, away from the eyes of the public, to remember their departed pastor.

"Every time we look at the glory of this sanctuary, we're going to have that constant reminder of our founding pastor and how he let Jesus Christ so use his life and so brought glory to the name of Christ and touched our lives and led us in a way that we should go," Conlon said at the gathering.

"He ran his race well. He lived life to the very fullest … with a radical love for Jesus," he said.

Watch a tribute to David Wilkerson's ministry below, courtesy of World Challenge, Inc.

A burial followed the service. Wilkerson was buried in Lindale City Cemetery.

Strang contributed eye-witness accounts and quotes to this report.
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